Endymion Extravaganza
Endymion Extravaganza’s 2025 Main Stage Entertainment to be held in Caesars Superdome will be Katy Perry & Train

Ticket Prices:
Plaza (Includes Setups) : $260
Lodge (Includes Food & Beverage for the Night) : $300
This event is probably the world’s largest indoor party and certainly rivals anything Las Vegas offers.
The Endymion Extravaganza is the only Mardi Gras after party held in the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center!
20,000+ dressed in formal attire arrive at Caesars Superdome at 6:30pm to get set up and await the entrance of Mardi Gras’ Main Event, The Endymion Parade! Your audio/visual senses will go crazy as the gigantic floats arrive around 8:30 and parade inside the Dome, complete with pyro, confetti, and laser lighting! After the parade, Endymion continues its tradition of providing the best local and national entertainment in Mardi Gras. You’ll dance the night away (literally) until 3:00am!